Caitlyn Rosenberg

Caitlyn Rosenberg
Before joining the BattleAxe team, Caitlyn ran EMILY's List's SMS Fundraising program, where she raised money to support pro-choice Democratic women running for city council (gotta love a good local race!), all the way to the Senate. A UCLA grad, Caitlyn's made her way through CA politics having worked for the LA mayor, a CA State Senator, a U.S. Senator, and a SoCal Congressional candidate! When she's not doomscrolling political Twitter, you can find her rewatching reality TV shows or exploring the beaches and mountains of California!
Meet Caitlyn

What animal do you most identify with and why?

Prairie Dogs because I also scream when I'm having a bad day

What is your favorite city?

A recent fav is Austin, but LA has my heart!

What was your first job?

Jamba Juice Smoothie ~Specialist~

Whomst is your favorite superhero?

Stacey Abrams

Favorite Food?

Taco Bell

Favorite Meme?

Hide the Pain Harold

Favorite TV Show?

Schitt's Creek

Favorite Book Growing Up?

Falling Up by Shel Silverstein
