Cameron Hill
Cameron got her start in politics interning in a field office for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and never looked back (although she quickly realized field was not for her). Raising money though... As an email fundraising and social content writer, Cameron drives messaging and strategy for candidates and advocacy groups on the forefront of progressive politics.

When she's not drafting copy, she can often be found walking along the Anacostia listening to Audible or in DC's many bookstores buying more paperbacks than she could ever hope to read.
Meet Cameron

What animal do you most identify with and why?

I am the cat that walks by herself.

What is your favorite city?

London (I very much want to live there)

What was your first job?

Nannying. Harder than digital could ever be.

Whomst is your favorite superhero?

Wonder Woman

Favorite Movie?

The Sound of Music

Favorite Food?


Favorite Book Growing Up?

The Little White Horse