Emily todebush

Emily Todebush
Emily has been deep in the Democratic political trenches for over ten years. Her past projects include working on national healthcare advocacy projects with the Center for American Progress, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Emily has deep roots in Michigan, where she has worked with Enroll America and the Michigan Democratic Party. In 2018, she had the opportunity to work in-state with the Michigan Democratic House Caucus, Voters Not Politicians (Yes on Prop 2), and Congresswoman Haley Stevens (MI-11). Emily hails from Birmingham, MI and attended Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.
Meet Emily

What animal do you most identify with and why?

My dog, Franklin.

What is your favorite city?

Detroit, Michigan. Being from the area, it’s been amazing to see the transformation that the city has and continues to go through.

What was your first job?


Whomst is your favorite superhero?

Wonder Woman

Favorite Movie?

The Sound of Music

Favorite Food?

A Chicago hotdog.

Favorite Meme?

I’m too old for this question

Favorite Book Growing Up?

Hope for the flowers by Trina Paulus
