JOAquin Sune

Joaquin Sune
Joaquin Sune is a Senior Content Associate at BattleAxe Digital where he focuses on content strategy and copywriting for political candidates and organizations all over the country. Originally from sunny Florida, Joaquin got his start in politics interning at Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district office after graduating from the University of Florida. But politics isn't the only thing Joaquin's passionate about - he's also a big fan of hiking, road trips, and binging on horror movies.
Meet Joaquin

What animal do you most identify with and why?

A house cat because we're both nocturnal noisemakers

What is your favorite city?

New York City

What was your first job?

A home inspector assistant

Whomst is your favorite superhero?

Clint Eastwood

Favorite Movie?

The Exorcist

Favorite Food?

I eat, breath, & sleep pizza

Favorite Band?

Avenged Sevenfold

Favorite TV Show Growing Up?

Dragon Ball Z

Favorite Book Growing Up?

Think and Grow Rich (Hasn't worked yet)

Favorite Meme?

Anything with Pedro Pascal in it
